5th Infantry Battalion (1923 - 2012)

The 5th Infantry Battalion Association was formed in 2012 for serving and ex-members of the 5th Infantry Battalion, Eastern Command, Irish Defence Forces. The 5th Bn was home to some of the finest soldiers ever trained by the Irish Defence Forces and as such the Association was formed to remember the soldiers, their sacrifices, their stories and the achievements as individuals and as a well knitted family.

The 5th Bn has one of the longest history’s in the Irish Defence Forces and this history is grounded in the calibre of men and women that served the 5th Infantry Battalion, also known as the Fighting Fifth.

Only members of 5 Infantry Battalion Association can gain to access the members page, to join the Association please leave contact details on the Contact Us page and we will get an application form to you.


Our 2nd Annual General Meeting will be held in Auditorium, Dining Complex, McKee Bks at 11.00hrs on Sat 15 March 2014. Please note only members of the Association may attend the A.G.M.
Agenda will be posted on the R/O page.

A special General Meeting was held on Sat 01 Nov 2014 for the general body to approve moving the AGM from Feb/Mar each year to the day of the Annual Deceased Members Mass. This was approved unanimously by those present

Accordingly AGM 2015 will be held.on 07 November 2015. As usual the agenda will be published on the R/O page of the Website.


Members please be careful when logging in to the members area, if you input a wrong password too many times it will lock you out. if you forget your password use the contact button on the website to contact the admin and he will email you your password.


Can I remind those who want to gain access to the members page that they must be members of the Association, if you apply for access and your not a member you will be emailed an application form to join and on receipt and been accepted (we do check to see if you served in 5 Inf Bn) you will get access to the members page but you have only 2 weeks to get the application in or your request will be deleted as it clutters the requst page so please if you want to get to the members page and your not a member please use the "Contact us" button to request an application form which will be emailed to you with instructions where to send it to.


On Sat 03 Nov 2018 we will hold our Annual Mass for Deceased members in the Church of the Holy Rosary McKee Bks.
Members are asked to assemble at 10.30 outside the Dining Hall.
10.30 Assemble on the Square.
10.45 Markers.
11.00. On Parade followed by Wreath Laying.

Following the Ceremony on the Square the main body will march to the Church for Mass at 11.30. (Those who cannot or don't want to march can stay at the Dining Hall and walk in their own time to the Church)
The AGM will be held in the NCO's Mess following the Mass and light refreshments will be served afterwards.
Those who attend the Mass are asked to respect the dignity of the Service as this is our way of respecting those who have gone before us.
This is election year and we need new blood on the Committee as 3 committee members are not going forward for re-election this year if we cannot get someone to replace them the Association will die as there will be no committee to run it.


11 Nov 1919 was the very first veterans day held following the 1st world War.
11 Nov 2019 marks the 100th Anniversary of the ending of WW1.
Irish Defence Force Veterans have been invited to take part in the event by the United War Veterans Council.
The trip is for 7 days from 08 to 15 Nov 2019.
Cost of flights, accommodation and transfers (2 persons sharing) is €1,200.00.
€100.00 deposit (NON REFUNDABLE) has to be paid by those interested by 26 Oct 2018.
The ceremony is for one day only, the rest of the trip is for social, shopping. sight seeing etc.
It is the responsibility of each person travelling to arrange visa, Travel Insurance etc.
The liaison officer for the Association is Christy Mahom 
Those interested should contact Christy and give him your contact details with your home address and the €100 deposit.
As this is such a prestigious occasion it would be great to have the 5 Inf Bn through the Association attending the event.



On Sat 03 Nov 2018 the Association hels it's A.G.M in NC's Mess McKee Bks.

This was election year and only 3 of the old Committee went for re-election and were indeed re-elected.(Joe Hanly, John Mullally and Marlo Brien)

The Committee 20189-2020 is as follows

Paddy Pennie (Chairman), John Mullally  Secretary), Joe Hanly (Treasurer), Marlo Brien (Social Committee), Michael Ryan (Assist Treasurer), Eddie Costigan (Assist Secretary), Brian (Jack) Kearney (Vice Chair), Christy Mahon is the Association Ceremonial Officer.

The Committee meets on the last Thurs of each month, if members want something brought up please use the contact me on the website to get in touch or email info@5thbattalionassociation.com.



The Association has purchased a mobile phone mainly for the purpose of contacting members but it can be used by members to contact the Association. Please bear in mind that the person who is in charge of the phone also works so maybe texts might be the best way of making contact. The number is 0834366079.




Unit History

The 5th Infantry Battalion was formed in Athlone on 01 February 1923 (GRO 16/23) as one of five battalions under the Athlone Command.

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Our Stories

Our Stories

The 5th Infantry Battalion was unique due to the soldiers that served in its ranks. Our stories and memories can be seen in the members section.

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In Memory

In Memory

The 5th Infantry Battalion had lost five members of its personnel on active service up to the date of its stand down.

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5th Infantry Battalion Association

  • C/O NCO's Mess ,
    Mckee Barracks ,
    Blackhorse Ave, Dublin 7
  • Tel:

email: info@5thbattalionassociation.com

Of Interest

  • www.military.ie
  • www.defence.ie
  • www.2fara.wordpress.com
  • www.idfva.ie
  • www.pdforra.ie
  • www.friendsofgarrison.com
  •  www.dfmagazine.ie
  • www.1916tour.ie
  • www.maritimeinjurycenter.com/jones-act